My Political Typology - Mathilda Hallstrom

According to the Pew Research Center quiz, I am a “solid liberal”, but even without a questionnaire, I would identify myself pretty far left on the political spectrum. Most of my values fall under the umbrella of democratic socialism, meaning that I believe that the government and the economy should operate to meet public needs. With light to moderate involvement in the lives of citizens, we can figure out what is best for citizens of all groups to make their lives worth living. I also believe that with our current wealth gap, wealthier citizens have a responsibility to contribute some of their money to help the less fortunate. Many of them likely accumulated their wealth from selling a service or product to the public, so it’s only fair that they give back. For example, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has a net worth of roughly $156 billion; The Atlantic averages that he would need to spend about $28 million per day to stop gaining money. $28 million A DAY could service so many citizens and improve literally thousands of American lives.

I believe that regardless of any social standing or identification, all Americans deserve the right to receive a free and fair education, freedom of speech, and the power of voting.
