Jonathan Brown Typology Quiz

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After taking the typology quiz, I found out that I am left-leaning and more libertarian. This makes sense and is accurate to my beliefs and morals. In answer to the first question, most wealthy people would not want to sacrifice any of their money to benefit those in need of materials to live healthy lives due to greed and immorality. Despite their beliefs, it is necessary for them to make some sacrifices to help as many as possible live better lives. In choosing three values that every American should have, I would choose the right to vote, the right to employment/livelihood, and the right to speak freely without fear of retribution/persecution. With the right to vote, this is what keeps America a Democracy. Everyone should have a say in the government and contribute in many ways, most importantly voting, to how we live our lives in this country. Alongside the idea of the right to employment/livelihood, everyone should have a fair chance at getting a job and live healthy and safe lives. Lastly, I believe that the right to speak freely without fear of retribution/persecution is also of utmost importance because writing freely and expressing beliefs without fear of being hurt or persecuted can change this government for the better and shape it for most people’s benefits.
