Aidan Creevy- Political ideology

My political ideology is economic right with a score of 3.88 and socially libertarian with -3.13. I believe in small government spending and low taxes with social freedoms given to all Americans. This country was founded on independent values so I believe that Americans should work to gain what they want in life and those that are truly incapable of supporting themselves such as those living with disabilities or are working and are still below the poverty line should receive financial aid such as welfare from the government. Those that have the ability to work and don't do so shouldn't expect help from the federal government. Wealthy Americans if they were raised with proper values should want to be charitable with their wealth but the government shouldn't force those people to pay a certain portion of their wealth to donate as I believe government interference in people's personal wealth outside of regular taxes is immoral and is a large invasion of the private lives of Americans. They should be allowed to do what they want but hopefully they will donate their money. This country was based on freedoms being granted to us and one of the most important is the freedom to say what you want. There will always be offensive language in this world and inhibiting that freedom no matter how much you disagree with the language should be prevented from being enacted by an individual. There are people out there who say truly horrendous things but it is their right as Americans to say those things. Two more freedoms that should be guaranteed to every American is the right to worship as one pleases and the right to legally marry. All Americans should be allowed to marry who they want as long as they are of age. If you love someone and they love you there should be nothing preventing you from getting married. The freedom to worship is also a fundamental part of our society. The separation of church and state was made because so many people came to this country to flee religious persecution and who are we to judge who one worships?


  1. I agree with Mr. Creevy. I support this views on how large the size of the government is. And his views of being socially liberal.

  2. I disagree with Creevy. A person's desire and effort to work is not an indication of their worth as a person. It's not an identity, or a life requirement. It is simply an occupation.


  3. To a degree, I agree with Creevy. I believe his views on marriage and religion are along the same lines of my personaly beliefs, but size and role of government seems to be a bit bigger in his mind as opposed to mine.


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