Brianna Rosemond

The majority of this party is democratic and leaning far left. Disaffected Democrats strongly believe the economic system unfairly favors powerful interests and those business corporations make too much profit. They typically do not believe their families have achieved the American dream.  Most say the government should do more to help the needy and that poor people have hard lives because government benefits do not go far enough to help them live decently. They also identify their government as “wasteful and inefficient.” This group is typically not as politically engaged as the others are, but share the disapproval of Trump, and believe that voting gives somewhat of a say so about the future of the country.

On the specific topic of the shooting in Pittsburgh that happened in a synagogue, as a disaffected
Democrat, I believe that some things could have been done on the part of the government for this to have been prevented. Unfortunately, it has become more common for shootings like this to take place. Henceforth,
I believe that a start to controlling these tragic events and preventing them from ever occurring in the first place is controlling guns. As stated in the media the gunman had a violent history, so if there had been a background check wherever he got the gun there could have been hope for this
tragedy never becoming anyone’s reality. However, the government runs things in an inefficient
way that does not benefit the good of most people. Ultimately, society is paying the price.
Pennsylvania synagogue shooting orig JG_00005612
