Chris Giella Political Beliefs

     My political beliefs are usually pretty moderate and can make compromises, but they do not bend when it comes to the issue of individual liberties, and rights.  I am also a strong believer that the government is too involved in our lives, and well doing so is taking our rights away.  On the issue of taxation I believe that our government could do a far better job on how they spend it.  I believe that taxation is necessary in a society, and that the wealthier should pay more then others, but the amount of taxation in this country is out of control.  Three things that the government must work to protect are all issues of individual liberties, Protection of voting rights, marriage between consenting adults, and the right to free speech.  I believe since America is a free country the people should have the right to elect its officials.  They should also be allowed to marry any consenting adult that they want.  This is their right.  Finally, Americans should still have their 1st Amendment right to free speech, and not have to worry about government punishment.


  1. I agree that the government could do a better job on spending our money. I also agree that the 1st amendment is important and people should not fear punishment if they say something the government does not like.


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