Isaac Gartzman Political Typology

Economic left/right: -3.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.72
Opportunity Democrat

I believe that wealthier people in this country should pay more taxes than the middle and lower classes. Less fortunate citizens deserve a boost from the people who have too much money to know what to do with, and health care is important and necessary in our society. Three values that all Americans citizens who are adults should have are the right to vote, right to own property, and right to pursue the American Dream. The right to vote is a true American value, and one of the rights we as Americans have that make us independent and self-righteous. The American leader deserves to be chosen by the people, and every single American citizen deserves a voice in this country wide decision. The right to own property is something I feel is a very important value in our country. Investing in property is one of the best ways to make money in America, and helps many people make a living. Without the right to own property, we cannot increase equity by paying mortgage, and thus improve your credit score. With the way America is organized, the right to own property is one of the most important American values. The only one that might be more important is the right to pursue the American dream. It's truly disturbing the situation many underprivileged citizens in America are born into, and how difficult it makes pursuing the American dream. But it's good to see which each new year, it seems we get closer and closer to achieving a more equal playing field, and each year we see more and more people born into terrible situation make it out and make a name for themselves in the world. I think we have a long way to go, but everyone has the right to achieve the American dream and soon we will see more and more people doing just that.
