My Political Typology -- Nate Landolt

The political typology test I took labeled me as a "Solid Liberal" along with 16% of the population. I think that this aligns very strongly with the beliefs I have. I am a firm believer in following a universal healthcare system common in European democracies. Additionally, I think that the United States has an absolutely horrible model for prison. I believe that prison should help people rehabilitate into meaningful roles in society after prison time, yet our 5 year recidivism rates are among the highest in the world. Additionally, I believe that we should follow countries like Brazil and Portugal in legalizing all drugs, if not decriminalizing the majority of drugs. Drugs have always been a health problem and by building a universal health care system that supports rehabilitation for addicts while making drug use safer, we will limit the amount of deaths and overall drug use in the country. I believe in higher taxes to support the majority of Americans, especially higher taxes for the elite. I believe that the 1% of our country has a very large amount of power which needs to be limited and controlled in order to maintain democracy. My views are extremely liberal and are in line with the description given to me. 


  1. I agree with your perspective on the prison system and raising taxes on the top 1% completely. As a leftist libertarian, I believe that the prison system needs to be reworked. The current system of commodification of black bodies for financial gain had been a staple of the US economy since the beginning of the country, but prison reform is one area in which this could be cut back. Though it is a systematic and deeper issue, I believe that prison reform is necessary. Taxation of the top 1% is also necessary. The recent tax cuts on this group will only widen the class gap. Taxes need to be reevaluated to, as Nate put it, "maintain democracy."


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