My Political Typology: Simone Nagan

My political compass coordinates are -3.5 on the economic scale and -6.15 on the social scale, which I think are very accurate. I believe that the government should put its efforts towards helping the people as a whole. Our government is supposed to be designed to help the entire country, not just certain sections that it chooses. I think it's also a responsibility of the more fortunate to help the less fortunate, in that American citizens with more wealth should be sacrificing some of this wealth for the benefit of others. It would amazing if all of the people who this applied to were willing to do so, but that's definitely not always the case. A government that was truly for all the people would step in and tax this wealth properly so that it could be used towards things like healthcare, legal services, and the cost of living for the less fortunate in the country. 
While there are countless things that I think American citizens should have regardless of age, creed, color, religious affiliation, and sex, some of the most important are the right to vote, the right to speak freely without fear of retribution/persecution, and the right to a free education. (I do still think the voting age limit of 18 is reasonable, though, so that one isn't fully regardless of age.)


  1. I completely agree with you. I also believe that it is most important to uphold freedom of speech, and free education. What do you think would happen if citizens no longer were allowed to vote due to the low voter turnout in the past?


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