Political Belief - Jessica Rogers

Most Americans don’t fit the white, male, upper-middle-class mold that benefits fully from this government. As a liberal-minded individual, it is essential to the success of this country that Americans understand the discrimination that takes place, and how affects politics. As a country, we are not in a place where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. Every American should have the right to a free education. Achievement gaps in our society will only increase unless we recognize the cause, and truly treat education as an important tool for many Americans in order to succeed. The right to marry legally is another value all Americans deserve access to. It is a right under federal law and doesn’t propose dangers to society like, for example, the Second Amendment. This connects with the freedom of speech. The freedom of speech must remain connected because our country is reliant on the people to run the government, the future of this country does not remain solely on the president. Restricting Americans to what the government believes they should or should not say, or believe, will have a negative effect on the U.S.


  1. I agree with you when you say that every American should have the right to free education. I believe that education can positively contribute to the success of America that everyone is educated, and free education can help people in so many ways.

  2. The last comment above (unknown is Sarah Parisien)


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