Political Beliefs

Based on my results on the quizzes I took, I am a solid liberal. I also identify strongly with women's equality. I believe that every American citizen should have the right marry legally, the right to vote, and the right to speak freely without fear of retribution/persecution. In addition, I sided towards "tender" in one of quizzes, which means that I believe in showing compassion, empathy, and rehabilitation for small-time criminals or those struggling with addiction. I also came out as "progressive", which means that I believe in personal freedom, expression, and diversity. I definitively agreed with these results, and they came out as I expected.


  1. I agree with all of Halley's beliefs and I too am a solid liberal. I think it is very interesting that you want to show compassion towards the rehabilitation of small-time criminals because I think that its an overlooked, but interesting topic.- Patrick HUghes


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