Political Compass - Ananya Visweswaran

My political leaning is by no means moderate. On the political compass, I am at -7.38 economically and -8.26 socially. I believe this is an accurate representation of my political beliefs, as I am very leftist and polarized. There are many values I believe American citizens should have, but the three most important to me would be the right to vote, have a free education, and speak freely without fear of retribution/persecution. I believe that governments should put the people first, and prioritize the well-being of the masses rather than the few. It is my opinion that someone cannot get to having over a billion dollars without cheating/unfairly using others' labor and efforts, and no one should have such unreasonable wealth.

Those who have more wealth should definitely want to sacrifice more than just a small percentage, and I believe taxes on the uber-wealthy in order to help those who are less advantaged is helpful to having an equitable society. I side more with socialism over capitalism, a big part of which is due to my experience in specifically the Netherlands - where I got a firsthand experience shadowing the most-left party there, GroenLinks. I saw the positive way in which a country can serve its people, rather than the other way around. I wholeheartedly agree that healthcare, prisons, and other critical institutions should be publicized and not an area of profit for anyone. Capitalism, in my opinion, is not a system that properly gives everyone equal opportunity. A free market results in oligopoly, wherein a few corporations control the whole market and essentially the government. The USA should serve ALL the people.
