Political Typology Joe Whitcomb

On my political compass test, I received a score of 9.86 points to the left economically and 8 points toward libertarian (-9.86, -8.00). This is undoubtedly one of the more extreme leftist scores in the class. As an honest to god socialist, I wholeheartedly believe in public ownership of industries and the equal division of profits among laborers. I oppose exploitative capitalist profits, and coincidentally view the vast majority of profits gained as exploitative. I, however, am not a communist, nor am I a totalitarian. I only believe in this things coming to pass under the will of the people, and I do not believe in censorship or societal restriction. I believe in aiding every member of society, economically and spiritually. This is the foremost tenant of my political beliefs. The government should be involved in a large amount of citizens' lives, not as an intrusion but as an extension of citizens themselves. That is true democracy, true existence.

Wealthier Americans should not sacrifice a small percentage in order for less wealthy citizens to have better access to the fundamental tenants of healthy living. They should sacrifice a LARGE percentage of their wealth for this purpose, and the government should require it. It doesn't particularly matter if they want to, although if they are truly educated and compassionate they should want to. It is very unfortunate for that small percent of the country and their egos, but we supposedly live in a democratic society. Their needs matter less than the needs of the majority, mainly because what they propagate as their need is the right to lord their financial status over the rest of us.

The three rights I think all Americans should be guaranteed are the right to vote, the right to free speech, and the right to a free education.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with your stances, most of which are my own (though slightly less extreme). Particularly, I thought your phrasing when you said that the government should be an extension rather than an intrusion of citizens themselves was very well put, and summarizes my feelings on the matter as well.
    - Ananya


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