Quinns Political Compass Results

I was fairly surprised after taking the political compass test. I knew that I have very conservative fiscal beliefs but I did not know that I was as socially libertarian as I was. I also took “I side with” test and tested as a core conservative which was not a surprise to me, as the questions I answered lead me to this conclusion. These results reflect some of my political beliefs, such as how every American citizen has the right to the pursuit of the American dream. To me the American Dream means that you are able to choose what you want to do with your life and strive for your own goals, and pursuit of this dream is the work you put in to reach such goals. I think that everyone having the right to their own American Dream is what makes many people successful in this country, as it is their motivation to reach their dream that assists them in making it. Another political belief that I had that was shown to be true by the test is right to own property. I believe that owning assets such as land , it's a valuable tool for people to build their wealth in America, therefore people should have full rights to purchase and sell land as they choose. One political belief that was not represented by my results that I hold is the right to equal levels of education. I believe that the education of America's youth is one of the most important things that the government should allocate its resources to. Education is a big part of the foundation that makes up an individual, therefore I think every child in America should receive high quality education from public schools. This will allow for every child to have close to equal opportunities when it comes to making decisions on post-schooling opportunities.
