Political Beliefs- Hailey Etienne

     According to the Political Typology quiz, my political stance is solidly liberal along with 16% of the population. I completely agree with my results but I disagree with the website saying that I'm politically engaged because only recently have I been engaging in politics.
      I do believe that there are many faults in our country today, especially with our government and the way that the U.S. itself functions, but particularly in social issues. I  strongly believe in the right for everyone to an education, the right to vote, and the right to free speech. Problems such as the American Dream not being as accessible to those who don't identify as white, or blacks not being able to prosper because of racial discrimination I also highly agree with since people of color every day, for the most part, are being paid less than any other race, and since most of the people with higher-paying jobs tend to be white. I agree with all of the decisions that benefit the greater good, not just America necessarily. Such as my environmental views being that the government should increase environmental regulations to help prevent climate change. The rest of the world would benefit from this decision also since the whole world is granting way to climate change. And in terms of our social safety net, it does occur to me that those in need should have more government aid and that the wealthy are sitting comfortably while many others are struggling. I have always been one to favor change and the libertarian group fits my views well. 


  1. I tend to agree with you generally. It's certainly interesting that it assumes you're a politically active individual but making movements towards this is what matters in my mind. I too have to work on putting myself out there more because I have strong beliefs and things I want to change in the world. I need to be more willing to act on this. Did you mean liberal at the end or do you also consider yourself a libertarian in addition to being a liberal?


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