Catie Bryant, Philadelphia Prompts

Prompt 1:
The 14th Amendment guarantees equal protection of the laws. In the movie Philadelphia, Andrew Beckett is fired because he has AIDS. This is illegal as Beckett is entitled to his own privacy and is not required to inform his employers of his medical information. In the movie, his employers claim that firing Andrew was justified because he didn’t inform them of him having AIDS, that is illegal. It is illegal under both federal and state laws to discriminate against an employee based on his or her medical condition with regard to employment decisions. These decisions include hiring, firing, promoting, demoting, training and job assignments. Therefore, the firing of Andrew Beckett was illegal.

Prompt 2:

Obergefell v. Hodges is a case in which the Supreme Court ruled the right to marry is guaranteed to same sex couples by the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause.  The equal protection requires equal access to civil benefits of marriage. The Due Process Clause guarantees life, liberty, and property safeguard from the government. Any citizen of the United States is granted these rights regardless of sexual orientation, race, gender, etc. Therefore, same sex marriage is legal.
