Ruth Steinhouse- Philadelphia Response

How does what happened to "Andrew Beckett" in Philadelphia violate the 14th Amendment?
In Philadelphia, Andrew Beckett, a prestigious lawyer indirectly gets fired from his job when his law firm finds out that he has HIV/AIDS. The Fourteenth Amendment states that, "No state will deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law." This amendment is violated when he is fired because his equal rights were taken away from him since he had an illness, which is a violation of the 14th amendment promising for all to have equal rights. He was deprived of his right to have equal opportunities based purely on his illness.

How does the advent of same sex marriage speak to "due process" and "equal protection" under the 14th Amendment?
Obergefelle v. Hodges
In the Fourteenth Amendment, "due process" and "equal protection" are shared which means that all citizens are guaranteed equality, and the opportunity to have a fair trial. Obergefelle v. Hodges is the Supreme Court case that made it legal in the United States for same-sex marriage to be guaranteed under the ideas of "due process" and "equal protection" in the fourteenth amendment. Same sex marriage speaks to these clauses because, these clauses are thought to protect against discrimination which is something that was experienced by many attempting to pursue same sex marriage.
